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Bulk Tagging Existing Images

How to add tags to multiple existing Standard and 360 photos at once

Chris Jervey avatar
Written by Chris Jervey
Updated over a week ago

Bulk Adding Tags to Existing Images at the Drawing Level:

1. Before tagging, set a filter to only display the photos you want to tag. Filters vary from date range, media type, and capture user, and can be combined for a more selective display.

2. Once you have filtered down the displayed photos, select the "Tag" button.

3. Then, select the desired tag(s) from your list of existing tags, or to add a new tag, type in the new tag name, and select the "tab" key on your keyboard to create the tag.

4. After you have chosen the desired tag(s), select "Apply."

5. You will be asked to confirm the bulk-addition of the tag(s) to these images. Here, to confirm, select "Apply."

6. The tag(s) will now be applied to all selected images.

Bulk Adding Tags to Existing Images in the Project's Photos Album:

1. Select the images you'd like to add the tag to by hover your cursor over the image and checking the select box on the top left of the image thumbnail.

2. Selecting images brings up a toolbar on the upper right side of your screen. Select the "Tag" icon, which opens the Tags menu.

3. Here, next to the tag you'd like to add to these images, click the double square icon.

4. In the "Add Tag To Photos" prompt, select "OK."

5. The tag(s) will now be applied to all selected images.

NOTE: Tags cannot be deleted from images in bulk, so ensure that you're only tagging the photos that you need.
We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected].

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