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Enterprise Administrator Dashboard

Dashboard for company/enterprise plans for tracking and controlling all of your projects

Written by CustomerSuccess
Updated over a week ago

If you're one of the awesome companies that have decided to standardize the use of StructionSite across your projects, the admin dashboard is here to help you with your rollout.

To access it, go to and login with your credentials. 

Note, you can only access the admin dashboard if you're an authorized company administrator. If you are not able to log in, and you're already on a company plan (or would like to consider one), then please contact us via chat to request access. 

Once you log in, you will immediately see a few graphs indicating company adoption of the software:

-User growth, month to month, over the past 6 months. The users will be divided into two categories: invited, and signed up. Those who signed up, likely just heard about StructionSite and signed up on their own at Invited users were project administrators who are adding users to the projects. The sum of these two numbers equals the amount of users joining onto StructionSIte within your company. 

-# Of photos being added, month to month, over the past 6 months, across all projects

-A running count of total # of users using StructionSite (who have signed up for accounts)

-A running count of total # of projects created by your company's users

Viewing and Controlling your Projects

Project List
Clicking on projects (either at the bottom, or on the side menu) will allow you to access a detailed list of each project created by a member of your company. You'll see the following stats:
-Project Name and Description
-Creator of the Project
-# of team members
-# of photos
-Project License Status (more info below)

Project Administration
Clicking on any project in the list will lead you to the project details screen, which allows you to change several things: 

-Upgrade a project to paid status
-See members of a project, and various stats such as their role (Admin, Collaborator, or View Only)
-Ability to remove any user from a project

Upgrading a project to paid status a project to paid
When the license field for a project is blank (which you'd be able to see from the projects list), You will want to go into the project and "upgrade" the project to a paid company license. This is your way of "authorizing" projects into your company plan.

Note: Only those designated as "Enterprise Administrators" will create projects that automatically are marked as paid. Everyone else who creates a project without this status will have an "unpaid" project that will be subject to trial restrictions. Once you've upgraded the project to paid, they will be able to access the project and add an unlimited number of users with no issues. More information can be found here. 

Users List
By clicking on "Users" on the left menu, you can access a complete list of all users from your company, along with when they joined the project. 

When you click on any user, you'll be able to drill down to some of their activity, such as how many photos they've taken to date. 


If you'd like to give us some suggestions on how to better cater the enterprise admin dashboard to your needs, please contact Philip at [email protected] or drop us a line in the chat!

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